If you’re planning a Nile cruise, then you’re sure to be looking forward to discovering the treasures and history of this amazing country. From ancient temples to beautiful artefacts, our Nile cruises are an amazing way to discover this incredible land. If you can’t wait until your trip to Egypt, start learning about it now, so you can ask our guides the best questions and show off your Egyptian knowledge. With over 5000 years of history in Egypt, there’s a lot to cover so we’ve done a roundup of some interesting programmes, podcasts, articles and websites that give a great insight into Egyptian history.
There are thousands of documentaries made about Ancient Egypt – it’s fascinating and has captured the hearts of so many. If you want to see some of the sites you’re going to visit and get yourself in the mood for discovery, there are some great ones. For a unique perspective with lots of archaeology, check out Life and Death in the Valley of the Kings with Joann Fletcher. Or for a round up of some of the most exciting discoveries in Egypt, try Discovery Channel’s Egypt’s Ten Greatest Discoveries.
If you’d prefer to read about Ancient Egypt, there are so many amazing resources out there. Have a look at your unique itinerary and decide which excursions you’re going to take part in. If you’ve got a general source book or guide book, search the index for the sites you’re going to visit for a quick introduction or check out its wikipedia page. For expert knowledge on all things Ancient Egypt, try the British Museum’s resources or the BBC’s range of Egyptian articles.
Podcasts are a great way to learn new and interesting things while you’re stuck in traffic or going for a jog. A lot of different ones touch on Ancient Egypt but check out The History of Egypt Podcast for in depth and interesting episodes on different aspects of Ancient Egypt. Or just search your podcast app for Ancient Egypt and find one that sounds interesting to you.
Once you start discovering Ancient Egypt, you’ll want to know more and more and our amazing range of Nile Cruises allow you to get up close to stunning monuments and walk around ancient temples. Book with Classic Holidays for a Nile Cruise that you can cater to your own interests and passions.
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