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06th August 2024

Jo Engelkamp

To celebrate my 60th birthday my sweetheart, Harry secretly organised a Nile Cruise from Luxor to Aswan and back again.

He could not have chosen a more wonderful holiday. I knew very little about Egypt (past and present) beforehand, but now I know so much about this beautiful country and its warm, friendly people. I can’t wait to return.

This was far from a slow resort holiday. Everyday was full of new experiences. But the smooth organisation of the tour manager, the professional hospitality and steady, silent , every present river achieved the perfect balance of rest and interest.

Excursions were varied but all was beautifully explained and made accessible by our Egyptian Egyptologist and guide. He made sure we learnt about the present strengths and challenges of Egypt as well as it history and past triumphs and treasures. He kept us well entertained, combining the skills of teacher, performer and shepherd!


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